Lee Ellams
June 18, 2024

TIEVA Revolutionises Data Backup with BaaS + and Industry-First Cyber Resilience Warranty

In a significant move to empower businesses against the ever-evolving cyber threat landscape, TIEVA has launched a groundbreaking BaaS solution with a Cyber Resilience Warranty.

This innovative offering provides businesses with an extra layer of protection from cyber threats, data breaches and human error, by combining data backup, managed services and a unique financial guarantee. Providing businesses with unparalleled peace of mind and a safety net in the rare event of data loss due to a service-related issue.

Unmatched Security and Guaranteed Recovery

Traditional backup solutions offer a basic layer of protection, but even they can be vulnerable to attack and accidental deletions and changes. That’s why TIEVA’s solution goes beyond deploying and configuring a backup solution, offering a fully managed service that takes care of the entire backup process, from initial setup to ongoing maintenance and data recovery.

TIEVA's BaaS + includes:

  • Multi-layered Data Protection: BaaS +, powered by industry leading backup technology, utilises a robust approach, including local backups for rapid recovery and offsite storage with advanced data lock capabilities. This immutable storage safeguards your information from unauthorised changes or deletion, including ransomware attacks.
  • Automated Backups and Secure Cloud Storage: Eliminate human error with automated backups that run on a predefined schedule. State-of-the-art encryption and multi-layered security measures ensure your backups are protected in the cloud.
  • 24/7 Monitoring and Support: A dedicated team of experts diligently monitors your backups around the clock. You can rest assured your data is secure and readily accessible if needed.

Industry-First Cyber Resilience Warranty

The true differentiator of BaaS + lies in its groundbreaking Cyber Resilience Warranty. This unique financial guarantee provides businesses with compensation in the rare event of data loss due to a service-related issue. This minimises the potential financial impact of a data breach and underscores TIEVA's unwavering commitment to customer protection.

"In today's digital age, data is the lifeblood of any organisation," said Mark Lee, CEO of TIEVA. "We understand the critical importance of robust data protection, and we're committed to providing businesses with the tools and resources they need to thrive. Our BaaS + Cyber Resilience Warranty service offers an unparalleled level of business protection, minimising downtime and ensuring business continuity in the face of unforeseen events."

As well as BaaS +, TIEVA also offers Disaster Recovery as a Service (DRaaS) and Firewall-as-a-Service (FWaaS), all featuring its Cyber Resilience Warranty. This is made possible through TIEVA’s partnership with Spectra, a specialised cyber warranty company for Managed Service Providers (MSPs) serving organisations within the mid-market. Offering a 100% cash refund on services affected by specific cyber incidents, including ransomware and DDoS attacks, these warranties provide financial security, with coverage of up to $1,000,000.

With the launch of its BaaS + Cyber Resilience Warranty service, TIEVA empowers businesses to embrace the digital future with confidence and peace of mind.

To learn more about how BaaS + can safeguard your critical data and ensure business continuity, Contact one of our cloud experts today - visit https://www.tieva.co.uk/contact

About TIEVA:

TIEVA is a leading provider of Managed IT Services and specialises in integrating state-of-the-art technologies to offer businesses comprehensive, straightforward solutions, that are aligned to strategic outcomes. Its portfolio of flexible, cloud-delivered IT services combine security, networking, and data protection to help organisations simplify management and achieve greater levels of cyber resilience.


SPECTRA is an innovator in cyber risk management, offering Cyber Resilience Warranties that ensure service integrity, resilience, and customer peace of mind. SPECTRA solutions are designed to support MSPs and their clients in navigating the complexities of cyber threats with confidence.

For the original Press Release by TIEVA please visit here: TIEVA Launches Pioneering Cyber Resilience Warranty Services for Enhanced Client Protection Against Cyber Threats.

For All Press Enquires please contact - marketing@tieva.co.uk

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