Sean Brand
August 26, 2024

The ROI of Upgrading Legacy WiFi: Beyond Connectivity for SMEs

In today's data-driven world, a reliable and secure WiFi network is the backbone of any successful business. For IT directors in SMEs managing complex spaces – from sprawling warehouses to bustling retail outlets – ensuring users have seamless connectivity is paramount. But what happens when your legacy WiFi infrastructure struggles to keep up?

Investing in the Future: Why Upgrading Legacy WiFi Pays Off

Upgrading your WiFi might seem like a significant upfront cost, but the potential ROI can be substantial. Let's explore how a WiFi refresh can translate into real benefits for your business:

  1. Network Efficiency: Outdated WiFi standards like 802.11g simply can't handle the demands of modern devices and applications. Upgrading to newer standards like Wi-Fi 6 offers increased capacity, allowing more users and devices to connect simultaneously without compromising speed. This translates to less congestion, smoother data flow, and a more efficient overall network.

  1. Reduced Downtime and Lower TCO: Legacy WiFi systems are prone to interference and dead zones, leading to lost productivity and increased IT workload. Modern WiFi systems with improved reliability, range, signal strength, and intelligent features like mesh networking can significantly reduce downtime and require less maintenance. This results in reduced downtime, lower IT support costs, and ultimately, a lower total cost of ownership (TCO) for your business in the long run.

  1. Increased Productivity: A slow or unreliable WiFi network can severely impede employee productivity. Constant buffering, connection drops, and waiting times for downloads eat into valuable work hours. Upgrading your WiFi can translate into a noticeable boost in employee productivity, leading to a greater return on your investment.

  1. Enhanced User Engagement: In customer-facing environments like retail stores or hospitality settings, a strong WiFi experience can directly impact user engagement. Imagine frustrated customers struggling to access loyalty programs or online promotions due to a sluggish WiFi connection. A seamless WiFi experience can encourage customers to linger longer, browse online offerings, and ultimately boost sales.

  1. Unlocking New Revenue Streams: For some businesses like those in hospitality or travel, a robust WiFi network can unlock entirely new revenue streams. Consider offering tiered internet packages, where guests can pay extra for higher bandwidth to support streaming or video conferencing.

While the quantifiable benefits are significant, the true ROI of a WiFi upgrade extends beyond just numbers. Improved user satisfaction, reduced customer churn, and a more positive brand image can all be attributed to a reliable and secure WiFi network.

Making the Case for a WiFi Upgrade

For IT directors in SMEs, a strong cost-benefit analysis is key. Consider the impact of lost productivity, customer and employee dissatisfaction, and potential revenue loss due to an outdated WiFi system. Compare these costs with the upfront investment in a WiFi upgrade and the long-term operational benefits. By taking a strategic approach and focusing on the ROI, you can make a compelling case for upgrading your legacy WiFi infrastructure.

But, before diving into a full-fledged WiFi upgrade, it's crucial to understand your current network's health and identify potential bottlenecks. This is where a network health check comes in.

Offered by IT service providers like ourselves, a network health check provides an assessment of your existing WiFi infrastructure. This assessment typically includes:

  • Performance Analysis: Evaluating factors like signal strength, bandwidth utilisation, and latency across your entire network.

  • Capacity Planning: Assessing your network's ability to handle current and future user demands.

  • Security Review: Identifying any vulnerabilities in your WiFi security protocols.

Device Inventory: Creating a detailed list of all connected devices and their impact on the network.

The insights gleaned from a network health check can help you quantify the true cost of maintaining your legacy system. It can reveal areas of inefficiency, highlight potential security risks, and ultimately demonstrate the business case for a WiFi upgrade.

If the network health check has identified the need for an upgrade, a comprehensive wireless survey is the next best step. This in-depth analysis will:

  • Map Your Network Environment: Create a detailed layout of your physical space, including potential obstacles and interference sources.

  • Optimise Access Point Placement: Recommend the ideal locations for access points to ensure optimal signal coverage throughout your complex environment.

  • Channel Planning: Identify the most efficient Wi-Fi channels to minimise interference and maximise network performance.

By conducting a wireless survey, you can ensure your upgraded WiFi network is strategically designed to deliver the desired ROI. The survey helps eliminate dead zones, ensures seamless user experience, and lays the foundation for a future-proof network that can adapt to your growing business needs.

Partnering for Success

We have partnered with the market-leading WiFi solution vendors, including Aruba Networks, Cisco and Cisco Meraki, to give our clients access to best-in-class technology. TIEVA’s network team can support you through the entire journey, from initial planning, design, and deployment to ongoing operations and optimisation. Our mission is to build a high-performance WiFi solution that delivers a strong return on investment.

Ready to take the next step? Contact us today to schedule a consultation or network health check.

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