Sophie Cooper
February 16, 2024

How Microsoft 365 Copilot helped me to return to work

Meet Sophie Cooper, a valued Adoption Specialist at TIEVA. In this blog, Sophie shares a personal journey of resilience and adaptation following an unexpected setback at the beginning of the year. Despite her challenging start to 2024, Sophie found a powerful ally in Microsoft 365 Copilot, which played a pivotal role in her successful return to work and productivity.

Here’s Sophie’s story:

Unfortunately, at the start of January I had a horse-riding accident which resulted in me fracturing my Humerus in two places. After 3 days in hospital, they decided (by some medical miracle) that I didn’t need surgery. Unfortunately, this meant the recovery process has been a lot longer and throughout this I have barely any functionality in my left arm. If you’re squeamish, look away now…

After having two weeks off work, I was obviously worried about falling behind on my projects and losing touch with my customers and colleagues. Fortunately for me, whilst I was off, Microsoft announced the release of Copilot 365 for CSP customers, and I was very lucky to be selected as one of the first users to trial this within TIEVA (yey).  

My return to work undoubtedly came with some anxiety about my overflowing mailbox and the question in the back of my mind of how I was going to manage with one arm. Thankfully, Copilot helped me get up to speed on the work I missed while I was gone, It looked through my inbox of doom and found the most critical and time-sensitive messages and even gave me a brief overview of each one and recommended the best steps to take, such as responding, passing on, or planning a follow-up.

When it came to me holding meetings again, Copilot helped me get ready for those meetings and presentations by making agendas and minutes and producing slides and notes for my PowerPoint presentations. During these sessions It also alerted me of the main points and questions to cover – these have been a life saver.  

Copilot has enabled me to work with my team and clients efficiently and effectively whilst giving me the time to focus on my recovery. It’s aligned my calendar and tasks with my team members to work around my new way of working and alerted me of any modifications or updates. Copilot 365 has been a great help to me in a little time. It has simplified my work, and also made it more fun and efficient. It has freed up more time and energy for me to concentrate on the creative and strategic parts of my job, and to interact with my team and clients on a better level.

I’m not even scratching the surface with the functionalities Copilot has to offer, but Copilot has still been a lifesaver for me, and has helped me work easier while still not being 100%, it’s basically been like my right-hand man (pardon the pun), it’s been really easy to get to grips with and really acts like a smart assistant that integrates with Microsoft 365 apps and helps me work faster and smarter.

Please contact me if you want to know more about Copilot 365 and its benefits for you and your business. I'm happy to talk to you and offer more of my experience and insights.

Thank you for reading, stay safe and healthy!

Discover how Copilot became Sophie's indispensable ally, aiding her return to work and transforming her workflow. From efficiently managing emails to streamlining meetings and presentations, Copilot not only kept Sophie on track but also elevated her work experience.

Curious to unlock the full potential of Copilot for yourself or your business?

Reach out to our team of Microsoft experts today. Learn how Copilot can enhance your productivity, streamline tasks, and provide unparalleled support, allowing you to work smarter, even during challenging times.

Don't miss the opportunity to explore the transformative power of Microsoft 365 Copilot.

Contact TIEVA today.

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