Lee Ellams
September 16, 2024

Greening Your IT Infrastructure: A Cost-Effective Way to Boost Your Sustainability

As IT Directors, Heads of IT, and sustainability stakeholders, you're likely already exploring ways to align your technology strategy with your organisation's sustainability goals. The concept of sustainability in IT has evolved from a niche concern to a key business imperative, as all areas of an organisation’s operations are increasingly expected to align with environmental goals and demonstrate responsible resource management. 

But how can you make your IT infrastructure greener while also keeping costs in check? The answer lies in strategic choices that enhance energy efficiency, reduce waste, and maximise the lifespan of your technology investments.

What is Sustainable IT?

Sustainable IT involves adopting practices and technologies that minimise the environmental impact of your IT infrastructure. This includes everything from energy-efficient equipment and renewable energy, to leveraging virtualisation and cloud computing to optimise resource use. However, one of the most impactful areas of sustainable IT is asset management—ensuring that your technology is used efficiently throughout its lifecycle, from procurement to end-of-life.

Adopting sustainable IT practices offers a range of benefits that go beyond environmental impact:

  1. Energy Efficiency and Waste Reduction: Sustainable IT promotes energy efficiency, reducing both your environmental footprint and your energy costs. Efficient hardware, combined with practices like virtualization, can cut down on the number of physical devices you need, reducing waste and the associated costs.
  2. Regulatory Compliance and Enhanced Reputation: As environmental regulations become stricter, compliance is increasingly important. Sustainable IT practices help businesses meet these requirements while also enhancing their reputation as responsible corporate citizens. Consumers and partners are more likely to engage with companies that demonstrate a commitment to sustainability.
  3. Cost Savings: Sustainable IT can lead to significant cost savings. Energy-efficient hardware reduces power consumption, lowering utility bills. Additionally, effective IT asset management extends the lifespan of your devices, reducing the need for frequent replacements and minimising costs.

The Role of IT Asset Management in Sustainable IT

IT asset management is at the heart of a sustainable IT strategy. It involves managing your IT assets throughout their lifecycle—from procurement to end-of-life—in a way that maximises their value and minimises their environmental impact.

Key aspects of IT asset management include:

  • Procurement: Choose energy-efficient and sustainably manufactured products. Consider options like remanufactured or refurbished equipment, which reduce the demand for new resources and extend the lifecycle of existing products.
  • Usage Optimisation: Regularly monitor and optimise the use of your IT assets. This includes ensuring that devices are used to their full potential and retiring equipment only when necessary.
  • End-of-Life Management: When devices reach the end of their useful life, ensure they are disposed of responsibly. This can involve recycling, donating, or selling them through certified channels. Take back and reuse programs offer a sustainable solution by remanufacturing end-of-life products, extending their lifespan and reducing waste.

Remanufactured IT Products

Over the last few years, we’ve seen an increasing demand for remanufactured IT products, including core network equipment such as switching, routing, wireless, IP telephony, security, and other advanced technologies. As many organisations integrate sustainability into their procurement policies, remanufactured products have become a key component of their strategy. However, this growing demand has also given rise to a grey market that can pose significant risks to your IT infrastructure.

The Risks of the Grey Market

The grey market for remanufactured IT products often offers equipment at lower prices, but these savings come with substantial risks. Equipment from unauthorised sources may be of poor quality, lacking the rigorous testing and certification processes that reputable vendors apply to their newly manufactured and remanufactured products. This can leave companies vulnerable to cybersecurity threats, as substandard equipment may not meet the necessary security standards. Additionally, poor performance and reliability issues are common with grey market purchases, which can disrupt your business operations.

Moreover, grey market purchases typically do not come with warranties or support. Without the backing of the original vendor, there’s no recourse or assistance if something fails. This means that any cost savings from purchasing on the grey market can quickly evaporate if you need to replace or repair faulty equipment out of pocket.

Choosing Authorised Remanufactured Products

To mitigate these risks, it’s essential to source remanufactured IT products from authorised programs like Cisco Refresh. Cisco Refresh ensures that all remanufactured products are fully tested, certified, and updated with the latest firmware, providing the same level of quality and reliability as new equipment. Additionally, Cisco Refresh products come with a valid warranty and access to Cisco’s world-class support network, offering peace of mind and ensuring that your IT infrastructure remains secure and operational.

Ready to Green Your IT Infrastructure?

Sustainable IT is not just a trend; it’s a necessity for forward-thinking businesses. By embracing energy-efficient equipment, leveraging cloud computing, and implementing robust IT asset management practices, you can significantly reduce your environmental impact while boosting your bottom line.

Learn more about how Cisco Refresh can support your sustainability goals, click here.

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